Monday, April 29, 2024

Will Youtube ever fix this bug?

For quite some time now, I've noticed that the user profile icons and video thumbnails eventually get mixed up in Youtube studio.

As with so many other Youtube bugs, I don't hold out much hope that it'll ever be fixed. At least it seems to be mostly cosmetic. (You'll also notice that it's not reliably broken. One of the video thumbnails in the screen capture is correct, while the other isn't.)

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

How many times does one have to turn a setting off before it stays off?

Somewhere in recent history, Google added autocorrect to ChromeOS devices. Like most annoying software features, they defaulted it to on because as we all know, nobody would ever think to go looking for a feature and turn it on if they wanted that capability to be active.

I, of course, don't care in the slightest for software that thinks it knows better than I. So, as soon as I figured out where the toggle was, I turned it off.

Since that time, it has randomly come back on again after some ChromeOS updates.

Of course, he who admits to running beta software probably gets exactly what he deserves.

I think one of the dictums of good software development should be that even when you add new features to a program, the user's preferences are sacrosanct. That should be true even when some or all of them are the defaults. Don't screw with them when someone upgrades, even if you think your new feature is the best thing ever. Let the user determine that for themselves -- if and when they want to!

Friday, January 26, 2024

Welcome To The Unexpected Blog

Hello everyone...

Way back in 2017 I did something I never thought I'd do. I joined Twitter. I couldn't tell you why I decided to do so then, if I ever had a reason any better than "it seemed like a good idea at the time". I don't think that I did.

So many things seem like good ideas at the time. In truth, though, I did enjoy my tenure there.

Then it changed hands. A while later it changed to a new name. Along the way, its new owner seemed content to drive Twitter right into the ground by doing many stupid, rude, offensive, and just plain dumb things. Although it's been a while since what used to be Twitter has been in the news for anything like that, this is a change I've been planning to make for a while. Given the [increasingly] unhinged behavior of Twitter's new owner, I haven't wanted anything to do with the site for a while now.

The question, of course, is what comes next.

That was much harder to answer.

I don't really understand Mastodon. I don't really want to understand it. When I get home from work, after having done IT related stuff all day long, the last thing I want to do is even more of it. You may say that coming to understand Mastodon doesn't really qualify as "IT stuff". If so, we have a difference of opinion. It's close enough.

Years ago, I set up a self-hosted Wordpress-based blog that was never made public. (Gee, I hope I won't get in trouble for mentioning a competing blogging system here!) This actually worked pretty well, but I took it down because Wordpress has an awful security track record and I just didn't need or want to complicate my life in that way.

I thought a hosted Wordpress site would be the way to go, and so I dutifully set one up a few months ago through its developer, Automattic. (Actually, as I often do, I thought about it from time to time for several months if not a year or more before I did anything.) I had no problem with the idea of setting up a paid account to gain added features and capacity.

This was a disaster.

When I hosted it myself as a test all those years ago, Wordpress was easy to set up and use. I had it running in, oh, about thirty minutes or so. Most of that was simply getting the files in place on my server. Things have apparently gotten worse in the years that have followed. Wordpress in its hosted form struck me as needlessly opaque, difficult to use and far less comprehensible than it should have been. Even though I was paying for an upgraded account, I couldn't use any of the various extensions, including those that might keep spammers out..

(We'll see if that's a problem here. I hope it isn't.)

Gaining access to those extensions would have required paying a ridiculous amount of money. Indeed, within minutes of that blog having gone live, it was already suffering from comment spam. (It's here I will admit that I probably should have researched other hosting companies offering Wordpress. Perhaps they would have been more competitive.)

It doesn't really matter, though. What really killed it was the abysmal performance of their blog posting system. Typing up a post on a low end Chromebook was painful. Each character took an age to appear. As someone who can type steady-state around 70 WPM and up to 100 or more WPM if I'm really cranking along, this was an intolerable state of affairs. Not having the feedback of seeing typed letters appear immediately was really messing with me.

So I canned that whole experiment, deleted that blog, got a refund of the money paid and pondered what might be next. A couple of months later, here I am. Google's Blogger service seems to work very well. No doubt there are things I will have to learn about using and maintaining it. Those will come with time.

Those of you who have watched my Youtube videos over the years will know that brevity isn't my strong suit. It never has been. Twitter basically forced my hand in that regard, since you can't type the Great American Novel in a single tweet. Posts here are likely to be longer, maybe even ridiculously so.

I welcome comments, even those with dissenting viewpoints from my own. I'm pretty easygoing and so the ground rules are simple: don't spam, don't talk politics (nor other "hot button" subjects) and BE NICE. I won't tolerate harassment of myself or others and comments are subject to moderation for any reason or no reason at all.

The European Union Would Like Me To Tell You...

 ...that this site, along with pretty much anything on today's World Wide Web, uses cookies to support various aspects of its functionality. If you'd like to opt out, you can do so by leaving this site right now or by configuring your browser to reject cookies for this site or even entirely.

If you choose to reject all cookies from this site, its functionality may be negatively impacted.

(Google says I have to make it known that this site uses cookies, and that they've included a thing that will do so by default. That said, I don't see it. So I'm putting this here as my first-ever post, in the hopes it will suffice.)

Will Youtube ever fix this bug?

For quite some time now, I've noticed that the user profile icons and video thumbnails eventually get mixed up in Youtube studio. As wit...